Thursday 20 April 2017

My Strange IT Habits

When talking about strange habits of using IT devices. I believe that everything that I do is mostly strange and I usually don't do much activities with IT devices but the ones I do is usually strange and I consider it to be my strange habit.

I have a weird habit  of collecting IT devices even though I know it's not going be much of a use to me. I just like to have a collection of IT devices from every year. When speaking of collecting IT devices I mean of collecting mobile devices. Since, the first time I got my first mobile phone from my parents till now I have been collecting all my mobile phones. I don't usually transfer the files from my phone to my PC. So what I do is keep the files in the phone I use and keep those files in the phone as long as it lasts. Once in a while, I switch on my old phones and see thorough the files and that makes me happy. When I go through the files I usually go through the pictures or text messages, I don't know why, but it makes me feel good and cherish the moments from the past and sometimes if I come across funny pictures or messages it makes me laugh as well. The picture below are the IT devices that I currently have in my possession. These are just few of of my complete collection as the rest are back in my home country. And I hope to increase the collection more and more in the future.

Secondly, I consider myself to be weird, as because nowadays there are lots of applications that are made for entertainments. Since, I use an iPhone 7 but still I don't download any application like games or any sort of entertaining applications. I like my phone to have less applications so that I don't need to scroll down pages to find applications when I am in need to an application that is important to me. So, I only keep the applications that I use regularly.  Therefore, the maximum number of pages that I have in my iPhone, if very much necessary is 2 pages. But most of my work and activities are done from the first page as I usually do activities that is necessary for my daily activities.The picture proves it all that I rarely use anything new or entertaining in my phone. All my daily activity applications are on the home screen of my phone and I feel comfortable accessing these applications right away after unlocking my phone instead of searching for the application I desire to use.

I find the following activities of mine to be weird and all strange but I still enjoying doing it as it became my habit, since I have been doing it for a long time and I enjoy keep doing it like this. I wouldn't have realised that these activities of mine would be weird until I had this assignment from my strategic technology management class. Thus, after completing this assignment I realized my activities are weird but I will keep doing these activities since I enjoy doing this activities.   

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