Thursday 20 April 2017

My Strange IT Habits

When talking about strange habits of using IT devices. I believe that everything that I do is mostly strange and I usually don't do much activities with IT devices but the ones I do is usually strange and I consider it to be my strange habit.

I have a weird habit  of collecting IT devices even though I know it's not going be much of a use to me. I just like to have a collection of IT devices from every year. When speaking of collecting IT devices I mean of collecting mobile devices. Since, the first time I got my first mobile phone from my parents till now I have been collecting all my mobile phones. I don't usually transfer the files from my phone to my PC. So what I do is keep the files in the phone I use and keep those files in the phone as long as it lasts. Once in a while, I switch on my old phones and see thorough the files and that makes me happy. When I go through the files I usually go through the pictures or text messages, I don't know why, but it makes me feel good and cherish the moments from the past and sometimes if I come across funny pictures or messages it makes me laugh as well. The picture below are the IT devices that I currently have in my possession. These are just few of of my complete collection as the rest are back in my home country. And I hope to increase the collection more and more in the future.

Secondly, I consider myself to be weird, as because nowadays there are lots of applications that are made for entertainments. Since, I use an iPhone 7 but still I don't download any application like games or any sort of entertaining applications. I like my phone to have less applications so that I don't need to scroll down pages to find applications when I am in need to an application that is important to me. So, I only keep the applications that I use regularly.  Therefore, the maximum number of pages that I have in my iPhone, if very much necessary is 2 pages. But most of my work and activities are done from the first page as I usually do activities that is necessary for my daily activities.The picture proves it all that I rarely use anything new or entertaining in my phone. All my daily activity applications are on the home screen of my phone and I feel comfortable accessing these applications right away after unlocking my phone instead of searching for the application I desire to use.

I find the following activities of mine to be weird and all strange but I still enjoying doing it as it became my habit, since I have been doing it for a long time and I enjoy keep doing it like this. I wouldn't have realised that these activities of mine would be weird until I had this assignment from my strategic technology management class. Thus, after completing this assignment I realized my activities are weird but I will keep doing these activities since I enjoy doing this activities.   

Thursday 6 April 2017

My University CGPA Life Cycle

My University CGPA Life Cycle

Image result for Assumption University

I, Hasmim Fahad Jalal Jishan Started my University on August 2013 in Assumption University. Throughout my journey in my university, one of the hardest things to maintain was CGPA. No matter how much I tried to increase it, it always kept on going down. Thus, I can say my GPA has a life cycle as it constantly had ups and downs throughout my university career in Assumption University. I managed to keep a constant good relations with my friends and teachers, but my GPA always kept on troubling me. If one semester I do really good, then on the next semester it was surely to come down and reduce my over all CGPA. It's really hard to pull the CGPA up but, on the other hand its really easy to pull down the CGPA. Even an A- as a grade can pull down my GPA a lot and it takes a lot of effort to cover up for one A-. I believe this is a challenge in the university to maintain you CGPA as good as possible. No one is perfect, but trying to be as perfect as possible is a good effort as it will make you stronger and a better person in the long run.

Currently, I am on my last semester and my struggle to maintain my CGPA is still my main concern. For one last time, its my effort to give my best to pull up my GPA. After this semester I won't have any other opportunity to increase my CGPA, and after this semester my certificate of my Bachelor's will be issued and the CGPA will be part of me for the rest of my life. So, I am really trying my best to leave a good impression on my CGPA, as in the future when I see my Bachelor's Certificate, I can have a feeling of satisfaction instead of any regret for of doing good as I will feel that I gave my best to achieve the highest of my potential and that's the best I could do after maintaining all the other relations in my university life.

I am trying to give my  best performance in every courses that I have registered in my last semester (2/2016). I plan to have the best grade for every course and as my final exam is coming closer and I have to start preparing for my exam and do my best to maintain the CGPA that I desire to have on my certificate when I graduate from ABAC.

 The above diagram is the graphical representation of my academic performance in last three and a half years. As it shows the ups and downs in my GPA. This is my university CGPA life cycle as i had to implement new strategy and ways to study in order to achieve my best performance and every time I have a bad GPA, I implemented new strategy to study and tried to move the graph up wards and make my GPA survive in the honors level.

As the new date for graduation has already been announced it got me more excited to work harder to be part of this graduation ceremony. I hope and pray that I can successfully complete my journey in Assumption University and graduate with honors. So, that I can have a better future, and making my friends, teachers, and parents proud.
Every thing has a life cycle and need a proper implementation of strategy to make the cycle survive and perform at its' best. A proper path to follow the goal is always a great path to success.