Thursday 2 March 2017

The Most and Least Impressive Cloud Computing

The Most and Least

 Impressive Cloud Computing

Image result for google cloud computingIn this era of globalization and advancement in technological things have become very much easy and hassle free for people as technologies seems to make work and activities very much easy for the people to accomplish without consuming much time. At recent times people are getting educated about the cloud computing and started to know the benefits of cloud computing. Availability of  cloud service providers are increasing. Moreover, recent trend of businesses is moving towards the usage of cloud providing services. There are lots of cloud providing services. And today in my blog I will talk about the cloud service provider that I like personally the most and the cloud provider that I perceive to be least impressive. 

Image result for cloud computingAs I am an university going student I frequently have to do lot of presentations and do report works. The most impressive and useful cloud providing service that I perceive to be very impressive is the google cloud platform as it help me do my assignments regularly and save my time as well. Due to the facilitation of cloud computing I do not have to worry about forgetting my flash drive back in my room as I can easily access to my needed files in class room from my cloud drives. In general it also benefits all the individuals of cloud drive users in various ways and helps them to be stress free from being forgetful.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform does deserve a mention when talking about most useful and impressive list of cloud service providers. The main ones are Google App Engine and Google Compute. There are several other Google cloud services too, such as Google Cloud Print and Google Drive. These are the ones that I use it very frequently as my daily need activities. Google Apps are becoming an integral part of most businesses in this recent era.

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As proper marketing takes place to educate people about the cloud services’ worth, like the Google Compute Engine. Cloud computing will soon become widely used among many people and life will be very much hassle free and work loads will reduce to minimum.

Image result for google cloud platform

On the other hand, there are also many cloud service providers that I find it to be very unattractive and one of the main reason is I do not feel comfortable using it as it does not fulfill much of my necessary needs.


           Image result for i cloud         Image result for i cloud

I perceive iCloud to be the least impressive of cloud service provider as iCloud to me only serves the dire purpose of the apple supported applications and the accessibility of the necessary information is not convenient and the availability of apple application operating devices are not much around me and thus, consider i Cloud to be least impressive to me as of my own personal point of view.   

Image result for icloud

In overall, conclusion I would say that learning about this topic in my Strategic technology management class is very much important as cloud service providers helps students like me to ease my work and even when I work in professional career it will also benefit me in many various ways to excel in my career in future.