Friday 10 February 2017

Management of my Family's Intangible Asset

How My Family Manages Their Intangible Assets

Intangible Asset- An intangible asset is an asset that does not exist in physical form in nature. 

There are varieties of ways in which we can manage our valuable assets. There are many governmental policies to help us protect our intangible assets. Plus, there are many more methods to help us keep our intangible assets safe and secured. 

Among my family members my father loves to travel a lot. He travels for his business purpose and its also his passion to travel. Apart, from the official works when he is free he like to capture his good moments in a frame of picture. Therefore, we can simply say that those pictures of his are his intangible assets. My dad is not very comfortable printing out all those pictures. So, how he manages those pictures? It's very simple, he likes to save the soft copies of the pictures in his google drive and drop box. He claims that it is very convenient for him to store and save in the online drives. As it is that he can access to his pictures and share those pictures with his family anytime with an ease. 

 google drive logo
We can also benefit from his way of managing his intangible asset. We can also access those beautiful pictures and moments he enjoys and he can share them with us in real time. So, in this way we also feel that we are also travelling with him as a family and live the beautiful and memorable moments together. 

Google Drive and Dropbox have multiple purpose to help my father to manage his intangible assets, as he can save his pictures and as well as he can manage his official documents with his office colleagues. Therefore, when he goes for business travels, it also becomes his trip as he get to spend time with the nature and its beauty, and completing the task of his business.

In addition, to google drive and drop box, my father also uses the icloud and itunes as he has his apple ID, our family can benefit from his apple account. My Family like to use apple products, we use our father's apple ID and make all the purchases from the apple store. And once we make the purchase we all can share the same application in different devices. Thus, we can save the money of purchasing the application for different devices. 
 i cloud logo        Image result for itunes        

 i tunes logo
You don’t have to be a technology expert, you don’t need to read thousands of books about IT to manage your intangible assets. You can use few devices and software which will allow you to easily access, store, protect and manage your intangible assets from any place at any time. With the blessing of the era of technology managing and keeping track of all our intangible assets are very easy and convenient. I, myself also use these methods to manage my intangible assets as well.
 google drive

Image result for google drive